Case Studies
Read more about EagleView ultrasound in real practices.
This case evaluates the capablity of EagleView during COVID-19, in ICU practices and different health subjects.
- by Wiley, physician specialized in Pulmonogy and Critical Care in Taiwan
These were the images obtained from a 95-year-old man who was admitted to ICU for septic shock and we need to place a central venous catheter for him ...

How EagleView Ultrasound is utilized in detecting gallstone in gallbladder?
- by Dr. Nigel Minihane, member of the Royal College of Physicians
A 68-year-old man presented to his general practitioner with a 24-hour history of constant, centralised abdominal pain in the absence of pyrexia or other symptoms of sepsis ...

Dr. Diego Scarpetta shared with us some cases of clinical scans by using Eagleview Dual-head ultrasound.
- by Dr. Diego Scarpetta, an internist from Colombia
“It’s an opportunity to promote the use of clinical ultrasound".

Dr. Mustafa Taha shared multiple Cardiac ICU cases that were done by EagleView probe.
- by Dr. Mustafa Taha from Yemen
“I provide rapid bedside echo by EagleView, and the result was big mitral valve vegetations with rapid heart rate due to atrial fibrillation".

Dott. Alessandro Pernice shares his treatment experience as an Osteopath at First Team TORINO F.C.
- by Dott. Alessandro Pernice from Italy
“The abdominal aorta pulsates in the anterior seat to the spine. Continuing towards the level of the navel, pushing away the intestinal gas, the aorta splits in two, in the right and left Iliac artery displayed in two rounded circles instead of one".

Robert Beatty, MD FACEP, Founder of PPE Medical tells why PPE chooses EagleView products to teach medical students?
- Robert Beatty, MD FACEP, Founder of PPE Medical
"The Eagleview Ultrasound device is easy to use, versatile, and produces clear, high-resolution images. This is a great device for portable use in any clinical location."

Dr. Becky Keller shared a case of Real-Time ultrasound in abdominal muscles
- by Becky Keller, PT Pelvic Rehab Practitioner Certified, Low-Pressure Fitness Certified & LPF Master Coach
“It’s amazing we now have this ability available to us to see the muscles working in real-time with this wireless ultrasound. Watch the difference between the “Active TA” contraction and the abdominal vacuum maneuver (aka #stomachvacuum or diaphragm vacuum)".
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